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The Presidential Seat -By Agbaga Ogheneyoma



    Nigeria gained her independence from British colonial rule in 1960, and since then, the presidential seat has played an important role in shaping the nation’s trajectory. The country has experienced both democratic and military rule, with the presidency being the epicentre of political decision-making.

The Seat of the president is very important because it calls the shots in the country. Anyone who sits on it would be regarded as the head of the country and a person who the nation and in most cases, the whole continent it is located in looks up to as in the case of Nigeria.This article will however attempt to highlight the powers of the President, showing the problems and responsibilities associated with the president’s seat and how they can be resolved as it relates to our country Nigeria since it is a major issue on ground.


Firstly, the Nigerian president derives their powers from the Constitution, which is the grund norm and grants them significant authority and responsibilities. Some of these powers include:

1.) Chief Executive: The president is the chief executive officer of the nation, responsible for executing and implementing laws and policies.

2.) Commander-in-Chief: As the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the president oversees the military and ensures national security.

3.) Diplomatic Authority: The president represents Nigeria in international affairs, forging diplomatic relations and negotiating treaties.

4.) Appointment and Dismissal: The president appoints key government officials, including ministers, judges, and ambassadors, while also having the authority to dismiss them when necessary.

5.) Veto Power: The president can veto legislation passed by the National Assembly, although this can be overridden with a two-thirds majority vote.


Having listed the powers of the Presidential seat, it is therefore expedient to look into the problems associated with it and they include:

1.) Low-level Presidential Elections and Democratic Transitions:

The mode of election and democratic transition is quite contrary to what is obtained in the constitution. It certainly wasn’t the intent of the makers of the law to ensure that the processes involved in ascending the Presidential seat would be so vicious and death-raking. That so much violence would be wrought, so much behind-the-scenes and in-the-scenes occurrences of bribery and corruption. Indeed the situation weeps for a revival.

2.) Economic Development: Nigeria’s economy is diverse but yet it faces issues like unemployment, poverty, and inequality. This usually is a result of the level of input that is put into the educational sector. A revert must be made.

3.) Security Concerns: The country Nigeria has grappled with insurgency, terrorism, inter-communal conflicts and of recently a secession!

4.) Corruption and Governance: Corruption remains a significant challenge in Nigeria, hampering development and undermining trust in public institutions.

5.) Infrastructure and Services: Essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure improvements require effective planning and resource allocation in reality rather than in paper or document.

6.) Diverse Nation: Nigeria is ethnically and culturally diverse, and it is because of this local of unity in this diversity that most people are looking for the benefit of their people thereby neglecting the more insisting issues of the other masses. In fact, the purpose of ascending the seat has now turned in Nigeria to be an avenue to direct a high percentage of resources to the tribe or culture of the aspirant and which is not supposed to be so.


With all these being said, what then can be done to ameliorate these issues?

1.) The incumbent President must ensure that peaceful and transparent elections are conducted in order to ensure a smooth transition of power and to maintain stability.

2.) Instead of aiding to hike up prices of goods, the president must formulate policies that foster sustainable economic growth and development.

3.) The president must prioritize national security and ensure the safety of citizens and one way this can be done is that the States should be allowed to control their police and ensure that the handling of tasks will be carried out faster

4.) The president must lead the fight against corruption and promote good governance. He must be relentless and fearless even in the face of danger. Just like the Ukraine President, President Volodymr Zelenskyy in the face of Russia.

5.) As for infrastructures, the essential ones should be created and should not just only be on paper.

6.) A call has hereby arisen towards the federal character situation of the country. It should properly be checked into.

7.) Finally, the citizens of the country should be very observant when it comes to elections in order to vote in a person who would lead Nigeria back to her Glory.


In conclusion, the Presidential seat in Nigeria is not a ladder to power, but a ladder to responsibility. A ladder to raise up the integrity of that same office and in order for that to happen, the collective efforts of all citizens of Nigeria are hereby required because an injury to one is an injury to all. A win to one is a win to all.

Agbaga Ogheneyoma is currently a 200 level Law student of the prestigious Delta State University. He is interested in trivial issues and wishes to express his views about them.

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